The Best of SL Boulevard was the dream of Frolic Mills, creator and editor-in-chief of The Best of SL Magazine. Together with Patch Thibaud, a creative SL builder and architect, they took the goals of the magazine and created a sim to house all the creativity of top SL designers in one glamorous place.

As I walked down the streets of "The Boulevard" (my own shortened name for the sim), I find the ambiance of the architecture, reminiscent of art deco, and all the elements combined, such as park-like settings and bold lighting, makes me feel like I am shopping in the old elegant era of Hollywood. I am very much in awe over how stunning I find "The Boulevard." It is a masterpiece of SL building and design.

When you visit, marvel at the architecture for a while. However, don't forget to go inside the stores. For an avie that loves to shop and loves well made clothes, this is a paradise. I was in awe over some of the designers that I didn't even know existed. SL is such a huge place that sometimes we miss some of the finer things. I have a distinct feeling that this is one of the reasons Frolic Mills created the magazine and "The Boulevard."
And, for our male avies, there are some very well made things for you here. I found a shoe store (JCS). They were the best looking shoes for male avies I have seen anywhere in SL.

Visit the Best of SL Boulevard. See the gorgeous architecture, shop in stores from some of the best SL designers, and just relax in the beauty of the environment.
To visit The Best of SL Boulevard, CLICK HERE. (THE BEST OF BOULEVARD 80, 80, 24)
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